Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Gen 1-3, Gen 4-5, 1 Chron 1:1-4, Gen 6

So as I said earlier I am a few days behind. I just started reading today so I read for January 1-2. Gen 1-3:
These 3 chapters are about the God's creation of the world and the fall of man. The creation story is one we have all read and heard about many times in our lives. He created the world in 6 days and on the 7th day he rested. The big debate is whether it is the days are literal or not. I am not a huge debater on the young or old world theories. Knowing God created everything, no matter the literal time, is still amazing. I don't know about anyone else but I know I take the first chapter of Genesis lightheartedly. I have heard it so much I don't comprehend anymore how awestruck I should really be. He created the universe! everything we see around us. Our world is so beautiful and it was all created by our Father how awesome is that? I encourage you when you read the beginning of Genesis to really think about it. Take the time to think of the world and all that is in it and that God created all of it :)
On the 6th day He created man in his image. How awesome is that? He made man out of dust gave us the breath of life and the capability of having a relationship with Him. He doesn't need our love and relationship but He wants it any way because He loves us :) Reading through the second chapter it talks about the need for Adam to have a "helper" one thing I never knew was that he seemed to be looking for one while naming all the animals but realized none of the animals would work. Pretty crazy. God created us with the capability of relationships not to be alone so He created Eve out of Adam's rib. A quote I ran across a while ago that is one of my favorites comes from the Hebrew Talmud "...The woman came out of a man's rib. Not from his feet to be walked on. Not from his head to be superior, but from the side to be equal. Under the arm to be protected, and next to the heart to be loved." God took a part of Adam and made Eve they are one being together.
Lastly for Jan 1st I read about the fall of man. There were 2 trees in the middle of the garden. The Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. God made it explicit that the latter was forbidden. Was the Tree of Life forbidden I am not sure. Not from my understanding but what do you think? The story of the fall is another one we all pretty much know. The serpent talked to Eve and told her she would not die but become like God knowing good and evil. Eve ate the forbidden fruit (no specific fruit said) gave it to Adam, he took a bite and it is all down hill from there. One thing that hit me was in 3:8 when is says God was "walking" through the garden. How cool would that be to walk through a garden with God and just have a chat? Pretty amazing I think :) Well Adam and Eve were ashamed because their eyes had been opened and they saw that they were naked both were cursed with pain and toil for the rest of mankind. They were banished from the Garden and I honestly had always thought it was just because they had sinned so the Garden could be no more but 3:22 says "and the Lord God said, 'The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever."
A big question I have is if God knew Adam and Eve would eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil why was it in the garden to begin with? Why would he put something in front of the them that he didn't want the to touch? My Bible is great and has little info on the sides of the pages and addresses this exact question "was God tempting Adan and Eve with the tree of knowledge of good and evil? The answer given is that "He didn't tempt them but gave them a test. God wanted human beings to love Him freely bu gave them the ability to resist Him. Without the opportunity of choosing to love Him, their devotion would have been robot like. Devotion is real only when unfaithfulness is possible" let me know what you guys think :)

Jan 2- Gen 4-5 1 Chron 1:1-4, Gen 6
Chapter 4 is about Cain and Abel. Another story very well known. A question I have is why was Cain offering not accepted? On the side of my Bible is says it was his attitude, Abel and first given himself and then is offering. After Cain murders Abel it he tells God "anyone who finds me will kill me" when we wanders away. Cain is the son of Adam and Eve if he travels away from them who would he run into? Adam and Eve have not populated the whole earth. Again my handy dandy bible adresses the question of whom was Cain afraid? "Some think Cain anticipated Adam and Eve would quickly produce many offspring who would want to take revenge on him. Others speculate that God perhaps created the other humans besides Adam and Eve. Cain could have also been afraid of other races. Still others think Cain's fears may have been unfounded" What do you guys think?
The rest of chapter 4 talks of Cain lineage and chapter 5 talks of the lineage of Adam to Noah through Adam and Eve's son Seth. The age of the men the son in which the lineage continues and their age of death. My favorite is Enoch because it wasn't Enoch all together lived 365 years and died like all the rest, but it was Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him away.
1Chron 1:1-4 is just a very shortened version of the lineage from Adam to Noah.
Genesis chapter 6 is the beginning of the flood story. The world had become very populated and was becoming wicked so God was going to destroy it by flood, but Noah had found favor in his eyes. Now we know Noah's wife and his 3 sons along with their wives were saved, but did he really only have 3 children? He was well over 500 because that when he became the father of those 3 sons. I mean they may have been his only children but it is just a question because it probably was not common to only have 3 children back then. I ask this because Morgan was telling me of a book that actually brought up that thought of he had other children. It is an interesting thought and my Bible does not bring up that question so I would love to know your thoughts :) I also wander if Noah was talking about when God said he was sending rain for a flood. I don't think there had been any rain before that so for Noah to construct a massive ark and gather everything God instructs him too shows his amazing faith to God when he may have had no idea what He was talking about. Chapter 6 ends with some of the instructions God is giving Noah about the animals and food he is to collect.
HAPPY READING!! God bless :)

1 comment:

  1. Just, um, that chronological is spelled wrong. . .
